What do you mean a Merchant account?

A merchant account is a category of bank account which permits businesses to receive payments by means of payment cards (generally debit or credit cards.) It is an agreement between a business and a bank or a monetary association. These accounts allow your business to receive credit card payments from your customers. Such an account can be created by means of an agreement between an acceptor and a merchant acquiring bank for the settlement of payment card transactions.

Why is my business required to receive credit cards from my customers?

By means of major credit cards you will be able to enhance your trustworthiness, customer’s reliability and convenience and quantity of sales. According to statistics receiving credit cards are helpful to enhance sales by 30 to 100%!

What is the procedure of applying for a merchant account?

Very easy and trouble free! Connect to our online application and submit the requested information. If you wish, you may also email us at info@highriskcreditcardmerchantaccount.com or contact at High Risk Credit Card Merchant Account, 1722 E. University Avenue #3, Las Vegas, NV 89119, or call us at 702-456-1116 for additional backing on setup or other processing related questions.

How long does it take in favor of my application for processing?

Your company will be capable to receive credit cards from your customers within 24 hours. You will be able to begin accepting credit cards from your customers because our processing departments are dedicated in expediting your application. All essential rules and regulations must be sent as fast as possible through FedEx.

What kinds of credit cards will be acceptable to my business?

5 major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Diners Club.

What kind of tools should my business make use to process credit cards and checks?

We have been offering your business four options for processing credit card and check orders since our beginning.
E-Processing Network: Secure, real-time credit card and check processing on behalf of your website.
Merchant Master Software for PC's.
Macintosh and DOS in favor of your Mail/Phone order business.
Swipe terminals and supplies in support of retail merchants.
We have the software or terminals(s) your business will need at competitive lease and purchase prices.

Is my business capable to buy or lease the software and/or apparatus I require?

High Risk Credit Card Merchant Account has been offering both leasing and purchasing options in support of your business since foundation. This consists of a 24-hour alternate arrangement and free instant improvement within our E-Processing Network software package at the time of your processing with us.

Does my business accept a report on the transactions processed?

Definitely, you will accept a complete report detailing your credit card transactions. This also appears with 24-hour customer service for supporting you with all merchant account interrelated questions.

How will payment be received by my business for each transaction?

Once the transaction which is approved your customer's charges are put directly from our credit card processor to your bank account. Transaction deposits range from 24-48 hours since the date of the transaction.

What is the process to find out the lease payment?

The lease payment is considered to be based on the category of credit card terminal, printer, or software you have to choose the number of months such as 12, 24, 36, or 48 months. If you wish to preserve working capital then leasing is regarded as an excellent substitute which has a tax deductible business expense and a low down payment. If you wish then you may go month-to-month at the end of the lease. If you aspire, you may take over the lease at fair market value or you may end the lease if you desire.

How can E-Processing Network be combined with my website?

E-Processing Network setup is fast and trouble-free. The merchant or webmaster basically sets up a link between the E-Processing Network protected server and the merchant's website. Examples of the linking HTML code are found in the E-Processing Network Integration and Developers Utilities.

How can I adapt the E-Processing Network transaction form?

By clicking the "Edit Configuration" option in the Merchant Menu it is possible to organize The E-Processing Network transaction form. By means of e-mail; send the merchant's logo and any background graphics to info@highriskcreditcardmerchantaccount.com

Are my funds secured and certain?

Any customer has the right to express difference of opinion about a credit card charge from the card's issuing bank. If any customer challenges a charge then instantly a retrieval request is sent to the merchant asking for evidence that a sale had been made by the customer. Moreover the merchant’s credit card processor may terminate service any time for various reasons. A merchant ought to take carefulness to look after it in case of someone who is trying to order commodities by means of stolen cards.

What do you mean by Address Verification Service?

AVS is one kind of service which is built into the approval procedure. This approval process is very useful to protect fake transactions. Together with the transaction data, the arithmetical division of a consumer's address is sent and matched against the address which is registered with the consumer's credit card from their issuer's bank. A response rule is sent back with the approval (or decline) message that specifies a match or not. At present, a match or mismatch is plainly reported back to the merchant and does NOT result in a transaction turn down. The merchant then has the opportunity and alternative to speak to their customer to verify the accurate address before dispatching any goods.

What is the most suitable way to get technical assistance?

You will need supplementary support in spite of consulting our technical guidebook. You are requested to email our technical service advisor with questions consisting of your business name, phone number and contact name so that he can research the question.

Is E-Processing Network included with my shopping cart?

Our service requires us to be well-matched with the merchant's shopping cart software. E-Processing Network is capable to join with a number of shopping cart programs. If you wish to have shopping cart then make contact with info@highriskcreditcardmerchantaccount.com or contact at high risk credit card merchant account, 1722 E. University Avenue #3, Las Vegas, NV 89119, or call at 702-456-1116

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